To George Freeman December 18, 1897. FROM Dadabhai Naoroji
To George Freeman
December 18, 1897.
There is, indeed, a remarkable coincidence between the treatment of India and Canada. T he same stupid mistakes and course.
B ut in the case of Indi a, persistence in this course of greed and
injustice—the result w i l l be an inconceivable disaster. . . . There
is no remedy for a ll o ur evils t i ll the fundamental e v il o f greed 4 4 4 D A D A B H At N A O R O J I: T HE G R A ND O LD M A N OF I N D I A
is remedied—either by a peaceful change of system or forced
by a r evolut ion—and a successful r e v o l u t i on in India means the
annihi l a t ion of B r i t i sh Indi a. Na t u re w i ll have its revenge, or, as
Salisbury says, "Injustice will bring the mightiest to ruin.." T he p i ty
is that t i ll any r e t r i b u t i on comes India must continue i n everincreasing suffering
2011:- BRITAIN IS HAVING TREMENDOUS ECONOMIC PROBLEM "Injustice will bring the mightiest to ruin.."
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